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Hundreds of Students & Library Supporters Moved by Sandra Cisneros During Foundation Events

Updated: Jun 1, 2021

On May 20, 2019, The Foundation for the Yonkers Public Library welcomed acclaimed author Sandra Cisneros to Yonkers for an event-filled day.

Sandra Cisneros speaking to Yonkers Public School students at Riverfront Auditorium.

In the afternoon, The Foundation hosted Coming of Age in America: An Author Talk with Sandra Cisneros, exclusively for Yonkers Public School students. In partnership with the Board of Education, Ms. Cisneros addressed nearly 300 middle and high school students at the Riverfront Library, with over 450 more watching via livestream from classrooms and auditoriums across the district. The students listened intently as the renowned author and activist read excerpts from her books and shared some of the stories from her life that inspired her work. Ms. Cisneros closed the event with life advice for the students, urging them to DREAM BIG, and a call to action to tell their stories and use their voices for change. The students thanked Ms. Cisneros for the visit, for inspiring them, and writing stories that speak to their lived experiences.

Foundation President Nancy Maron, introducing Sandra Cisneros at our Spring Gala.

Later that evening, The Foundation hosted the Spring Gala, in celebration and support of Yonkers Public Library. 150 guests gathered on the 2nd floor of Riverfront Library, which was beautifully transformed for the party. Sandra Cisneros, our special guest, gave a moving presentation about her childhood in the public library where her dream of becoming an author was formed, the subjects that have fueled her writing, and her activism. She encouraged the audience to be kinder to one another.  The benefit gala was a festive evening with live music, delicious hors d'oeuvres, and an exciting auction.

Thank you to all of our supporters on a spectacular day! View the gala journal here.

View more photos from the student talk and Spring Gala here.

Services provided by:

Altman Rentals

Le Moulin Catering

Ms. Davis Photography

Sound Associates

The Joey Berkley Band




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